Kayce & Nelli Day 30 6-29-2022

AM: KAYCE was first, I introduced a larger bumper to the retrieving regime. We went from a regular 2 inch soft mouth bumper to a 3 inch canvas bumper. He transitioned great to it. He is doing everything great. He sits at heel and doesn't break until I tell him and he is holding on to it the whole time without dropping it. He is doing great on the place training. NELLI was next, we did the same thing and introduced the larger 3 inch canvas bumper. She did great and her drive is now where we want it. She has a great hold on the bumper also. She is doing better at sit but needs more work ok stay still so are continuing to work on that. Her place training is improving and she is almost to the point where I can send her to the stand on command from a good distance away. After they got to play in the yard. 

PM: We did the same drills for both KAYCE and NELLI as we did in the AM. Both are doing great with no regression. After they got to play in the yard. 
