Kayce & Nelli Day 12 6-9-2022

AM: They got to play in the yard and relax. 

PM: They played in the yard with the family for about and hour and then rested. KAYCE was first up on the table and he did great. He's picking the bumper up off the table good. I started asking him to walk with it in his mouth up and down the table. He wanted to drop the bumper a few times. We just corrected that by telling him to hold it and applying pressure until the bumper was back in his mouth. He is doing really well. 

NELLI was next and we picked up where we left off. She is reaching and grabbing the bumper good. My hand still needs to be on it but that is normal. I have a feeling another day or two and she will be picking it up off the table without my hand being on it and the trained retrieve will start to become more enjoyable for her. She is doing good as well. 

They are both good, smart dogs who want to learn and please you. 
