Rip & Basil Day 15 9-6-2022

I missed posting the last few sessions and I apologize for that. 

BASIL was first and in the previous sessions we continued work on the table and he did great so today we moved to the ground. We got him excited going for the bumper in my hand and after a few reps like that I started to toss it asked him to fetch it. He did good. Only had to have collar pressure a couple times. It was a good first session on the ground. 

RIP had a couple prior sessions where he regressed some due to the collar pressure so I decided to stop using it with him as I could tell that it was not the right method for him. This is why it's important to have different techniques and disciplines at hand so you can adapt to the dog and their needs for training as opposed to trying to push a dog through a specific program even when it's not working for them. So the last couple sessions I just got him on the table and got him more comfortable being on it by praising him and giving him treats. There was no retrieving in these sessions. I would have him walk up and down the table and give him treats along the way. He got back comfortable enough where I felt I could move forward and get back on the retrieving end. Instead of using the ecollar I just kept using the wonder lead and transitioned to the ear pinch technique. It's the same philosophy of on-off pressure. He had a good first session with this technique and I will take it easy with him so he doesn't get discouraged. Part of the problem with the ecollar is I tried to move forward at a faster pace than he was mentally ready for and by doing that I set him back about a week or two. 

There is an old time saying of "force break a dog before you do the bird work training to see if they will make it through it so you don't waste time on the bird work side of it"  I personally don't like that because every dog can learn to be a good retriever if given the right environment and training technique. That saying is in relation to those who try to push a dog through a program and if the dog isn't mentally strong enough to finish it, then in that trainer's opinion, that dog just isn't good enough and is a cull. It is my opinion that all dogs can learn to be good retrievers. It is good genetics and good owners that bring the best out in a dog. 
