Kayce & Nelli Day 51 8-8-2022

AM: We went to the ball fields to work more on double marks with the launcher. KAYCE was first and we started off with heeling off leash. He did great. On the retrieves we started with 1 single and he did great. We then did multiple double marks and he stayed steady through it all and retrieved great. NELLI was next and she did good on heeling off leash. I started off with singles for Nelli. I kept the leash on her for the first one so she wouldn't break. She did great and retrieved great. After that I took the leash off and did more singles. She didn't break and remained steady and retrieved great. I then did some double marks and she didn't break and did great on the first retrieve, it took a little showing her where the 2nd bumper went but she will get better with remembering the marks. I was pleased with her understanding to remain steady. 
